“Love him! Super sweet and amazing doctor.”
Specialized Procedures: Colon Cancer Screening, Endoscopic Ultrasound, Fine Needle Aspiration, ERCP, SpyGlass Cholangioplasty, Therapeutic Endoscopy, Capsule Endoscopy.
Dr. Akerman has a love for superheroes, but his favorite, hands down is Batman, whom he admires for his ability to inspire respect from both villains and other heroes.
Dr. Akerman doesn’t take himself too seriously and loves to make people laugh as evidenced by his listed talent of being a proficient rapper. His commitment to his patients however, he takes very seriously. He chose gastroenterology because he enjoys the mix of hands on procedures and intellectual challenges the specialty offers.
In his downtime, you can find Dr. Akerman spending time with his family, watching Sportscenter on most Sunday mornings or enjoying a Moscow Mule when he has a rare night out.